We have a winner for this week’s Jackass Award!
When local elections take place, I try to follow the issues raised by candidates, and I go so far as to predict which of the competing individuals will garner the most votes based on a number of points. Regardless of if they are the incumbent or not. I have a hard time warming up to people, and I am oft times very cautious of people until I get to know them better.
I ask myself: Do they have a grasp on the issues and are they accurate in the information they present? Are they interested in what is best for the city in their possible solutions? Would they be the best spokesman for the residents they represent, and the city as a whole? Do they have an agenda (personal – or representing others or specific groups)? Do they act like an adult?
When all is said and done, like any competition, someone has to win and someone has to lose. I have personally been involved in fifteen (15) local elections. I lost the first four (4) attempts to be an alderman, and one attempt to displace the city clerk.
If I lost, I lost! Next time an election came along, I maybe ran again. And others will tell you I always took the high road, and made every attempt to keep most any conversation or comment from being personal.
Others take a different approach, especially more recently. Following several recent council meetings, I’m left thinking I am placed 65 years back in time and I am again in Miss Larson’s kindergarten class at Washington School.
It’s sad to see someone who lost an election four months ago standing up in public and whining like a little 5-year-old who didn’t get his cookie (bringing up issues that aren’t even issues that pertain to the taxpayers and can’t be changed anyhow, and is simply and clearly a personal thing). Instead, that person could offer to help hand out the cookies (come up with some productive ideas) and keep one for themselves for being such a good boy just for offering to help.
Get over it!! You’re wasting my time and everyone else’s time by being such a crybaby about losing!
(Does make me reflect on the outcome and te fact that you did lose – and we can all be greatful you didn’t win! You’d be a mess having to deal with the ups and downs of things that happen on the CC. This is the big-boys table – no kids allowed!).
Final thought: It’s all about R – E – S – P – E – C- -T !!! There wasn’t even a hint of RESPECT in the comments that were made by Mr. Disgruntled citizen at that recent meeting.